Monday, November 26, 2007

No 23 - the end

I can't believe I managed to get it all done - in superquick time. But there are definitely areas I want to go back to and explore more slowly and in more detail - eg I plan to make a calendar! It has been a really worthwhile exercise & I have learnt a great deal - and there is much more I can learn now at my own pace. It has been a great opportunity and I am grateful to those who set it up - and those who pressured me and helped me to do it.

Given the name of my blog - I thought this an appropriate image to finish on.

No 22 - E-books

Well I found a few old favourites - some of them dating back to my childhood - such a Kilmeny of the Orchard - which I had never realised was written by L M Mongomery. It is wonderful to think that some of these old out of print items are now available online and are being preserved online.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

No 21 Podcast

Love the ABC site for podcasting. But also found this one which interests me. Podcasting is obviously of real interest ot libraries to give people access to online material that they have missed for example.

No 20 Youtube

I liked Conan the librarian - feel like doing that sometimes -= but not often!!Also listened to Rudd interview with Rove -not very library relevant but fun!

No 19 prize winners

I had a look at a couple of prize winning site - one was Reddit - which is a sort of news site the other was Realtravel which is real traveller stories & photos. One thing I liked about it was that there were also links to other relevant sites in any given entry. Reddit looked a bit all over the place - too general to be very useful I thought. The realtravel one could be a useful aid to library patrons - other people's experience is always a valuable tool for planning travel.

No 18 Online productivity

I was unable to get into Zoho - would not accept my signon in spite of many tries & expert help, so used google docs. Had trouble with the spreadsheet as it did not work at all like excel - further efforts will be needed to become familiar with that facility. However, the docs was fine.

No 17 Sandbox

Well I did it - and it worked eventually. I was a bit confused as to whether or not there were brackets and which type as there were conflicting instructions. Anyway got there in the end with no brackets!

16 Wikis

The application of wikis to libraries is very exciting. Possibilities that immediately come to mind are book of the month or author of the month or theme of the month where people are encouraged to add their comment, suggestions, reviews etc.

No 15 Web/Library 2.0

A key aspect of public libraries is the social hub concept - social networking community spaces are an essential part of a public library. Web 2.0 is, in the current technological environment, and essential part of this. If we, as librarians don't embrace online social tools and information sharing, we will be left behind.

Nos 13 & 14 tagging

I'll need to have more of a play with these facilities to work out how they can be useful to me.

Noi 12 - Rollyo

Had fun playing with this - think of travel sites especially specialised cruise sites. Lots of potential.

No 11 librarything

I have started to catalogue my favourite books on librarything

No 10 Calendar

I learnt how to create a calendar

- that is great fun & I will do one.

Task 8 bloglines

I have explored RSS feeds & bloglines. I can see that bloglines would be useful for keeping up with travel news in particular.

No 7 technology - SARA

On Friday, we launched our new SARA machines. These are Scanning and Reading appliances for people with visual disabilities. It enables them to scan a book, magazine, letter etc and it is read to them in a very human-sounding voice - with an Australian accent.

Task No 6 Flickr mashup Trading card

No 5 Flickr

I have now completed no. 5 task by copying this picture from Flickr to complement the picture I posted earlier which was one I took!